Projekt Group • 26 March 2020
Assembly of the third rotor blade is completed. (Photo: Vestas Construction)
In January this year, the old Vestas V80-2 MW was dismantled. Today – even in these challenging times – the replacement Vestas V112-3.45 MW was erected on the Wetterdeich site in the Oederquart municipality near the river Oste. It has a hub height of 142 metres. The turbine is part of the Oederquart community wind farm, which features seven other turbines of the ENERCON E-115 3.2 MW type. The annual energy yield of the V112, including all relevant losses, is forecast at approx. 9,200 MWh, or two and a half times the current figure.
"As the general contractor, we're delighted that the turbine was installed right on schedule despite bad weather, logistical challenges and the additional difficulties caused by the coronavirus crisis", said Ubbo de Witt, the Managing Director of Projekt GmbH. He also thanked his team and the good cooperation with the Oederquart community wind farm, emphasising the two partners' "long history together".
"We're very happy we could hold on to another turbine at a location we've been associated with ever since the turn of the millennium", said Heike Kröger, Managing Director of Projekt Ökovest GmbH. "The revenue will not only contribute to the region's economy, but also give our group the long-term security that comes from managing and operating a wind farm".
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