Positive wind power planning

Positive wind power planning 

Projekt Firmengruppe • 13 Februar 2023

 Photo: Hans-Carl Bokelmann, NWZ - 28. Amendment of the land use plan for the designation of wind power concentration zones in the municipality of Ovelgönne [1]

The district of Wesermarsch and the municipality of Ovelgönne collaborate closely as they are planning for a "wind of change".

In its "Wind Energy Acceleration Act" for the implementation of the "Wind on Land Act" of the Federal Government, the state of Lower Saxony has specified that wind energy areas in the Wesermarsch should have an area share of at least 1.82%. "Rural areas are becoming the No. 1 energy producer in the north," says Climate Protection and Energy Minister Christian Meyer.

Against the background of positive experience with local value creation from more than 20 years of operating wind power projects, the municipality of Ovelgönne had supported further planning at an early stage. The municipality has already approved an initial repowering project of the Projekt group of companies in Oldenbroker Feld. The municipality has already approved an initial repowering project of the Projekt group of companies in Oldenbroker Feld. It has also authorised the Wesermarsch district to issue a preliminary permit according to immissions control regulations for five wind turbines of the 6 MW class [2] in the Oldenbrok-Niederort neighborhood in accordance with Section 36 of the German Building Code (BauGB). 

"We are pleased that we could get full support from the municipality of Ovelgönne for our next energy and climate protection project" said Heike Kröger and Ubbo de Witt from Projekt Ökovest GmbH. "In further discussions, we will also be working with property owners to develop the first larger ground-mounted photovoltaic system in Ovelgönne. We support the concept developed by the district and the municipalities for potential areas with a pre-existing load and pre-impact due to development, noise pollution and sealing" [3].

[1] NWZonline: Ovelgönne - Aus dem Armenhaus in die Wohlfühlzone
[2] https://ovelgoenne.de/sitzungskalender?m=2&j=2023; https://bp.ovelgoenne.de/plaene.aspx?v=1106
[3] https://landkreis-wesermarsch.de/index.php?show=2242&mod=15

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